Last Minute Deals - Call/Text: 702-529-1490

Are you planning a last minute get-away?

Give us a call (or text) and get a great deal on a last-minute stay.

(this means that you are planning a trip in the next day or two)

Rates from $99/night Mid-week Special on Studio Condos.

Call/Text 702-529-1490 for more information.

Are you looking to make a reservation for the next 2 or 3 days? If so, check our availability now.

If a condo is available and you want to save $, give us a call and ask for the "Last Minute Deal" on that condo.

Based on Availability. Minimum 2-night or 3-night stay may be required. Taxes & Fees are not included. Offer subject to change.

Please call: 702-529-1490 for questions or to make a reservation by phone.
